Warning name Warning message Enabled by default
Wrelative_path_usedRelative %s path passed to asar_patch_ex() - please use absolute paths only to prevent undefined behavior!True
Wrom_too_shortROM is too short to have a title. (Expected '%s')True
Wrom_title_incorrectROM title is incorrect. Expected '%s', got '%s'.True
W65816_yy_x_does_not_exist($yy),x does not exist, assuming $yy,x.True
W65816_xx_y_assume_16_bit%s $xx,y is not valid with 8-bit parameters, assuming 16-bit.True
Wspc700_assuming_8_bitThis opcode does not exist with 16-bit parameters, assuming 8-bit.True
Wcross_platform_pathThis patch may not assemble cleanly on all platforms. Please use / instead.True
Wmissing_orgMissing org or freespace command.True
Wset_middle_byteIt would be wise to set the 008000 bit of this address.True
Wunrecognized_special_commandUnrecognized special command - your version of Asar might be outdated.True
Wfreespace_leakedThis freespace appears to be leaked.True
Wwarn_commandwarn command%sTrue
Wimplicitly_sized_immediateImplicitly sized immediate.False
Wxkas_deprecatedxkas support is being deprecated and will be removed in a future version of Asar. Please use an older version of Asar (<=1.50) if you need it.True
Wxkas_eat_parenthesesxkas compatibility warning: Unlike xkas, Asar does not eat parentheses after defines.True
Wxkas_label_accessxkas compatibility warning: Label access is always 24bit in emulation mode, but may be 16bit in native mode.True
Wxkas_warnpc_relaxedxkas conversion warning : warnpc is relaxed one byte in Asar.True
Wxkas_style_conditionalxkas-style conditional compilation detected. Please use the if command instead.True
Wxkas_patchIf you want to assemble an xkas patch, add ;@xkas at the top or you may run into a couple of problems.True
Wxkas_incsrc_relativexkas compatibility warning: incsrc and incbin look for files relative to the patch in Asar, but xkas looks relative to the assembler.True
Wconvert_to_asarConvert the patch to native Asar format instead of making an Asar-only xkas patch.True
Wfixed_deprecatedthe 'fixed' parameter on freespace/freecode/freedata is deprecated - please use 'static' instead.True
Wautoclear_deprecated'autoclear' is deprecated - please use 'autoclean' instead.True
Wcheck_memory_fileAccessing file '%s' which is not in memory while W%d is enabled.False
Wif_not_condition_deprecated'if !condition' is deprecated - please use 'if not(condition)' instead.True
Wfunction_redefinedFunction '%s' redefined.True
Wdatasize_last_labelDatasize used on last detected label '%s'.True
Wdatasize_exceeds_sizeDatasize exceeds 0xFFFF for label '%s'.True
Wmapper_already_setA mapper has already been selected.True
Wfeature_deprecatedDEPRECATION NOTIFICATION: Feature "%s" is deprecated and will be REMOVED in the future. Please update your code to conform to newer styles. Suggested work around: %s.True
Wbyte_order_mark_utf8UTF-8 byte order mark detected and skipped.True