Error name Error message
Elimit_reachedOver %d errors detected. Aborting.
EwerrorOne or more warnings was detected with werror on.
E16mb_rom_limitCan't create ROMs larger than 16MB.
Ebuffer_too_smallThe given buffer is too small to contain the resulting ROM.
Eparams_nullparams passed to asar_patch_ex() is null.
Eparams_invalid_sizeSize of params passed to asar_patch_ex() is invalid.
Ecmdl_define_invalidInvalid define name in %s: '%s'.
Ecmdl_define_override%s '%s' overrides a previous define. Did you specify the same define twice?
Ecreate_rom_failedCouldn't create ROM.
Eopen_rom_failedCouldn't open ROM.
Eopen_rom_not_smw_extensionDoesn't look like an SMW ROM. (Maybe its extension is wrong?)
Eopen_rom_not_smw_headerDoesn't look like an SMW ROM. (Maybe it's headered?)
Estddefines_no_identifierstddefines.txt contains a line with a value, but no identifier.
Estddefine_after_closing_quoteBroken std defines. (Something after closing quote)
Efailed_to_open_fileFailed to open file '%s'.
Efile_not_foundFile '%s' wasn't found.
Ereadfile_1_to_4_bytesCan only read chunks of 1 to 4 bytes.
Ecanreadfile_0_bytesNumber of bytes to check must be > 0.
Efile_offset_out_of_boundsFile offset %s out of bounds for file '%s'.
Erep_at_file_endrep at the end of a file
Emismatched_parenthesesMismatched parentheses.
Einvalid_hex_valueInvalid hex value.
Einvalid_binary_valueInvalid binary value.
Einvalid_characterInvalid character.
Estring_literal_not_terminatedString literal not terminated.
Emalformed_function_callMalformed function call.
Einvalid_numberInvalid number.
Egarbage_near_quoted_stringGarbage near quoted string.
Emismatched_quotesMismatched quotes.
Erom_too_shortROM is too short to have a title. (Expected '%s')
Erom_title_incorrectROM title is incorrect. Expected '%s', got '%s'.
Ebank_border_crossedA bank border was crossed, SNES address $%06X.
Estart_of_fileThis command may only be used at the start of a file.
Exkas_asar_conflictUsing @xkas and @asar in the same patch is not supported.
Einvalid_version_numberInvalid version number.
Easar_too_oldThis version of Asar is too old for this patch.
Erelative_branch_out_of_boundsRelative branch out of bounds. (Distance is %s).
Esnes_address_doesnt_map_to_romSNES address %s doesn't map to ROM.
Esnes_address_out_of_boundsSNES address %s out of bounds.
Einvalid_tcallInvalid tcall.
Euse_xplusUse (x+) instead.
Eopcode_length_too_longOpcode length is too long.
Esuperfx_invalid_short_addressInvalid short address parameter: $%s. (Must be even number and $0000-$01FE)
Esuperfx_invalid_registerInvalid register for opcode; valid range is %d-%d.
Einvalid_opcode_lengthInvalid opcode length specification.
Einvalid_mapperInvalid mapper.
EnanNaN encountered.
Edivision_by_zeroDivision by zero.
Emodulo_by_zeroModulo by zero.
Eunknown_operatorUnknown operator.
Einvalid_inputInvalid input.
Einvalid_function_nameInvalid function name.
Efunction_not_foundFunction '%s' wasn't found.
Efunction_redefinedFunction '%s' redefined.
Ebroken_function_declarationBroken function declaration.
Ewrong_num_parametersWrong number of parameters to function.
Einvalid_param_nameInvalid parameter name.
Emath_invalid_typeWrong type for parameter %s, expected %s.
Einvalid_label_nameInvalid label name.
Elabel_not_foundLabel '%s' wasn't found.
Elabel_redefinedLabel '%s' redefined.
Ebroken_label_definitionBroken label definition.
Elabel_cross_assignmentSetting labels to other non-static labels is not valid.
Emacro_label_outside_of_macroMacro label outside of a macro.
Elabel_on_third_passInternal error: A label was created on the third pass. Please create an issue on the official GitHub repository and attach a patch which reproduces the error.
Elabel_movingInternal error: A label is moving around. Please create an issue on the official GitHub repository and attach a patch which reproduces the error.
Einvalid_namespace_nameInvalid namespace name.
Einvalid_namespace_useInvalid use of namespace command.
Einvalid_struct_nameInvalid struct name.
Estruct_not_foundStruct '%s' wasn't found.
Estruct_redefinedStruct '%s' redefined.
Estruct_invalid_parent_nameInvalid parent name.
Einvalid_label_missing_closerInvalid label name, missing array closer.
Emultiple_subscript_operatorsMultiple subscript operators is invalid.
Einvalid_subscriptInvalid array subscript after first scope resolution.
Elabel_missing_parentThis label has no parent.
Earray_invalid_inside_structsArray syntax invalid inside structs.
Estruct_without_endstructstruct without matching endstruct.
Enested_structCan not nest structs.
Emissing_struct_paramsMissing struct parameters.
Etoo_many_struct_paramsToo many struct parameters.
Emissing_extendsMissing extends keyword.
Einvalid_endstruct_countInvalid endstruct parameter count.
Eexpected_alignExpected align parameter.
Eendstruct_without_structendstruct can only be used in combination with struct.
Ealignment_too_smallAlignment must be >= 1.
Einvalid_define_nameInvalid define name.
Edefine_not_foundDefine '%s' wasn't found.
Ebroken_define_declarationBroken define declaration.
Eoverriding_builtin_defineTrying to set define '%s', which is the name of a built-in define and thus can't be modified.
Edefine_label_math!Define #= Label is not allowed with non-static labels.
Emismatched_bracesMismatched braces.
Einvalid_macro_nameInvalid macro name.
Emacro_not_foundMacro '%s' wasn't found.
Emacro_redefinedMacro '%s' redefined.
Ebroken_macro_declarationBroken macro declaration.
Einvalid_macro_param_nameInvalid macro parameter name.
Emacro_param_not_foundMacro parameter '%s' wasn't found.
Emacro_param_redefinedMacro parameter '%s' redefined
Ebroken_macro_usageBroken macro usage.
Emacro_wrong_num_paramsWrong number of parameters to macro.
Ebroken_macro_contentsBroken macro contents.
Erep_at_macro_endrep or if at the end of a macro.
Enested_macro_definitionNested macro definition.
Emisplaced_endmacroMisplaced endmacro.
Eunclosed_macroUnclosed macro.
Elabel_in_conditionalNon-static label in %s command.
Ebroken_conditionalBroken %s command.
Einvalid_conditionInvalid condition.
Emisplaced_elseifMisplaced elseif.
Eelseif_in_whileCan't use elseif in a while loop.
Eelseif_in_singlelineCan't use elseif on single-line statements.
Emisplaced_endifMisplaced endif.
Emisplaced_elseMisplaced else.
Eelse_in_while_loopCan't use else in a while loop.
Eunclosed_ifUnclosed if statement.
Eunknown_commandUnknown command.
Ecommand_disabledThis command is disabled.
Ebroken_incbinBroken incbin command.
Eincbin_64kb_limitCan't include more than 64 kilobytes at once.
Erecursion_limitRecursion limit reached.
Ecommand_in_non_root_fileThis command may only be used in the root file.
Ecant_be_main_fileThis file may not be used as the main file.%s
Eno_labels_hereCan't use non-static labels here.
Einvalid_freespace_requestInvalid freespace request.
Eno_banks_with_ram_mirrorsNo banks contain the RAM mirrors in hirom or exhirom.
Eno_freespace_noromCan't find freespace in norom.
Estatic_freespace_autocleanA static freespace must be targeted by at least one autoclean.
Estatic_freespace_growingA static freespace may not grow.
Eno_freespace_in_mapped_banksNo freespace found in the mapped banks. (Requested size: %s)
Eno_freespaceNo freespace found. (Requested size: %s)
Efreespace_limit_reachedA patch may not contain more than %d freespaces.
Eprot_not_at_freespace_startPROT must be used at the start of a freespace block.
Eprot_too_many_entriesToo many entries to PROT.
Eautoclean_in_freespaceautoclean used in freespace.
Eautoclean_label_at_freespace_endDon't autoclean a label at the end of a freespace block, you'll remove some stuff you're not supposed to remove.
Ebroken_autocleanBroken autoclean command.
Epulltable_without_tableUsing pulltable when there is no table on the stack yet.
Einvalid_table_fileInvalid table file. Invalid entry on line: %i
Epad_in_freespacepad does not make sense in a freespaced code.
Eorg_label_invalidorg Label is not valid.
Eorg_label_forwardorg Label is only valid for labels earlier in the patch.
Eskip_label_invalidskip Label is not valid.
Espc700_inline_no_basebase is not implemented for architecture spc700-inline.
Ebase_label_invalidbase Label is not valid.
Erep_labelrep Label is not valid.
Epushpc_without_pullpcpushpc without matching pullpc.
Epullpc_without_pushpcpullpc without matching pushpc.
Epullpc_different_archpullpc in another architecture than the pushpc.
Epullbase_without_pushbasepullbase without matching pushbase.
Einvalid_mathInvalid math command.
Einvalid_warnInvalid warn command.
Einvalid_checkInvalid check command.
Ewarnpc_in_freespacewarnpc used in freespace.
Ewarnpc_broken_paramBroken warnpc parameter.
Ewarnpc_failedwarnpc failed: Current position (%s) is after end position (%s).
Ewarnpc_failed_equalwarnpc failed: Current position (%s) is equal to end position (%s).
Eassertion_failedAssertion failed%s
Eerror_commanderror command%s
Einvalid_print_function_syntaxInvalid printable string syntax.
Eunknown_variableUnknown variable.
Einvalid_warning_idInvalid warning ID passed to %s. Expected format is WXXXX where %d <= XXXX <= %d.
Epushwarnings_without_pullwarningswarnings push without matching warnings pull.
Epullwarnings_without_pushwarningswarnings pull without matching warnings push.
Efailed_to_open_file_access_deniedFailed to open file '%s'. Access denied.
Efailed_to_open_not_regular_fileFailed to open file '%s'. Not a regular file (did you try to use a directory?)
Ebad_dp_baseThe dp base should be page aligned (i.e. a multiple of 256)
Ebad_dp_optimizeBad dp optimize value %s, expected: [none, ram, always]
Ebad_address_optimizeBad dp optimize value %s, expected: [default, ram, mirrors]
Ebad_optimizeBad optimize value %s, expected: [dp, address]
Erequire_parameterMissing required function parameter
Eexpected_parameterNot enough parameters in calling of function %s
Eunexpected_parameterToo many parameters in calling of function %s
Eduplicate_param_nameDuplicated parameter name: %s in creation of function %s
Einvalid_alignmentInvalid alignment. Expected a power of 2.
Ealignment_too_bigRequested alignment too large.
Enegative_shiftBitshift amount is negative.
Emacro_not_varadicInvalid use of sizeof(...), active macro is not variadic.
Evararg_sizeof_nomacroInvalid use of sizeof(...), no active macro.
Emacro_wrong_min_paramsVariadic macro call with too few parameters
Evararg_out_of_boundsVariadic macro parameter requested is out of bounds.
Evararg_must_be_lastVariadic macro parameter must be the last parameter.
Einvalid_global_labelGlobal label definition contains an invalid label [%s].
Espc700_addr_out_of_rangeAddress %s out of range for instruction, valid range is 0000-1FFF
Elabel_ambiguousLabel (%s) location is ambiguous due to straddling optimization border.
Efeature_unavaliable_in_spcblockThis feature may not be used while an spcblock is active
Eendspcblock_without_spcblockUse of endspcblock without matching spcblock
Emissing_endspcblockUse of endspcblock without matching spcblock
Espcblock_bad_archspcblock only valid inside spc700 arch
Espcblock_inside_structCan not start an spcblock while a struct is still open
Espcblock_too_few_argsToo few args passed to spcblock
Espcblock_too_many_argsToo many args passed to spcblock
Eunknown_spcblock_typeUnknown spcblock format
Ecustom_spcblock_missing_macroCustom spcblock types must refer to a valid macro
Espcblock_macro_doesnt_existMacro specified to custom spcblock was not found
Eextra_spcblock_arg_for_typeOnly custom spcblock type takes a fourth argument
Espcblock_macro_must_be_varadicCustom spcblock macros must be variadic
Espcblock_macro_invalid_static_argsCustom spcblock macros must have three static arguments
Espcblock_custom_types_incompleteCustom spcblock types are not yet supported. One day.
Estartpos_without_spcblockThe startpos command is only valid in spcblocks
Einternal_errorAn internal asar error occured (%s). Send help.
Epushns_without_pullnspushns without matching pullns.
Epullns_without_pushnspullns without matching pushns.
Elabel_forwardThe use of forward labels is not allowed in this context.
Eunclosed_varargVariadic macro parameter wasn't closed properly.
Einvalid_varargTrying to use variadic macro parameter syntax to resolve a non variadic argument.
Emacro_param_outside_macroReference to macro parameter outside of macro
Ebroken_for_loopBroken for loop declaration.
Ebad_single_line_forSingle-line for loop not allowed here.